Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stop and Smell the Flowers

When spring arrives, the LTC campus is such a refreshing sight to my eyes. Everything that was dead or just looked dead is alive again! The sound of birds chirping gives me a radiant sensation as I walk to class and hearing the graceful flow of water from the stream is very calming. The temperature is nice and cool which makes me feel so relaxed. To me, this is an excellent start for a regular school day.

I normally take walks inside the building during class breaks, but since the weather is getting better, I definitely plan to take walks outside. Just the other day I realized how peaceful and quiet it was to sit out on the benches. Of course there were students walking by but I was able to just take in a deep breath of fresh air and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. I think spring is one of the best seasons because the pleasant weather puts everyone in a good mood, outside activities can be achieved, the roads are finally clear, flowers are blooming, and residents are doing yard work and gardening. Please take this time to re-embrace the joy of spring!


  1. Embrace life and be thankful for the fresh air you can breathe!

  2. I want to do some walking around campus too. Maybe we will see eachother!

  3. i agree! ltc also has an excellent disc golf course and i've seen students discing already. i can't wait to get out there and enjoy some fresh air and fun :)
