Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In the Home Stretch

Once again before I even knew it, the semester flew by. All sorts of finals are coming our way, so LTC students, let's do it! For me, personally, I'm not as overwhelmed as I was at the beginning of the semester. I'm just really excited that we're rolling towards summer and that I'll be completing my end-of-the-semester projects. My fellow classmates are just as thrilled as I am for a terrific summer break before fall semester comes. I still have a few tests and assignments left and a final project for two of my classes, but I have never been a procrastinator so finishing up any coursework for the end of the school year will not be an issue.

During this time there are many things happening all at once. Students are preparing for exams, getting ready for spring graduation, and making plans for the summer. I also know for sure LTC instructors have got to be busy bees when the semester is about to wrap up. They're stuck with grading hundreds of assignments, organizing their files, and managing their students. What do I have to say about that? Well, all I can really say is to work hard and stick with it. Just a couple of weeks and it's summer break!


  1. I can't wait for summer break. I have so many final projects due... I hope I pass this semester lol! ~Katie

  2. I'm happy the semester is almost over!-Nicole
